Completed Video Project

Introduce the project. Explain in detail the project and the role you played in creating it. Briefly describe the research you put into your project. Then describe the tools you used (internet, lights, camera, backdrop) and the digital programs you used to create your image (iMovie and Garageband). What was your initial intent and how did this set the trajectory for this project.
Body Paragraph One
What did you learn about Native Americans, Genocide, and Up-standers, Bystanders and Victims? Describe what you learned. What do we know about up-standers and bystanders as they pertain to the native American genocide in San Francisco. How can we make change or recognize the past genocide. Can we right this genocide?
Body Paragraph two
Explain the process of finding information. Mention the use of the “Blood in the Soil Film” made by the students two years ago. Discuss searching the Internet for quotes and primary sources. How did you organize you information and put together the script. Where and how did you film you portion?
Body paragraph three
Explain the editing process, How did you use sound, images, music and video to create your portion of the film. Discuss imovie 09, was this your first experience with it, or are you an old pro. What were some challenges you had working with this program and why did we use it?
Summarize your ideas and explain what you liked and disliked about this project. What do you think of the final movie?