Monday, October 19, 2009

Silhoutte Collage Artist Statement

What does Happiness Look like?

Silhouette Collage Artist Statement

Five paragraph essay, you must include information on the process and the imagery you chose to use. This is a benchmark portfolio project and this reflection/ artist statement can be used for your Benchmark portfolio.


Introduce your art piece. Explain in detail the assignment and the requirements. briefly describe the analog tolls you used (lights, camera, backdrop) and the digital programs you used to create your image (Firefox and Photoshop). What was your initial intent and how did this set the trajectory for this project.

Body Paragraph One How did you take the initial image?
Explain the process used to create the initial silhouette image. Describe how the lights and backdrop were incorporated into this process. Where were the lights placed and why. What pose did you chose and what is in the silhouette and why. Did you experiment in any way, describe in detail.

Body Paragraph Two How did you stack and blend images within the silhouette?
Describe in detail the process of creating the two color silhouette and the tools used. Then explain how you used layers to stack images, and the tools used. Whats types of blending did you do, and what types of tools you used? Explain how you experimented with photoshop and the tools you used. Explain the use of the text tool.

Body Paragraph Three What was the imagery you used and how does that describe happiness?
Describe your art piece. Explain the significance of the images you used and how they symbolize happiness. Explain why you used implicit or explicit images. what are the quotes you used and why.

Conclusion Final thoughts on the project
Evaluate your work using an emotional response. What was done well and what would you like to have done better. How might you use these tools in the future? Did you learn anything about happiness while working on this project.

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